

Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

December 5 2023

The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy has entertained fans for decades. Offering a complex amount of parallels to the ever-evolving world of multimedia and web design. H2G2 is a collection of knowledge and travel advice that often serves as a metaphor for the vast and expanding realm of multimedia content. Just as the Guide provides a blueprint for navigating the galaxy’s planets and cultures, multimedia provides a platform to explore and engage with a diverse range of information, entertainment, and experiences.

This book emphasis’s on the unpredictable storytelling and trends of the guides web design. The guide itself often adapts to the users needs and provide relevant parallels of modern websites. Adams humor and laughable style resonates with the playful and experimental nature of web making. The books ability to seamlessly blend reality, science fiction, and satire reflects the creative freedom and boundless possibilities of multimedia content.

The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy is not only a hilarious and imaginative work of fiction but also an insightful commentary on the nature of information, technology, and human existence. This books popularity and relevance lie in its ability to capture the essence of our constant changing world, especially in the realm of multimedia and web design. As we continue to navigate the vast and sometimes mystifying cosmos, H2G2 serves as a reminder to embrace the absurdity, embrace possibilities, and always carry a towel. 

Mandy Morehouse

World Citizen Perspective

November 28 2023

Picture from Unsplash
Picture from Unsplash

Born and raised in the diverse population of Hawaiian culture, I’ve always carried the spirit of Hawaii with me. It’s a philosophy that goes beyond geological boundaries, embracing universal good, regional pride, and adaptability- values that have guided me not just as someone who is originally from Hawaii but also as a world citizen living amongst the vast expanse of our galaxy.

As a mother of three, I’ve instilled in my children the importance of embracing diversity and appreciating the unique beauty of each culture. We have met countless people on their own adventures who were exploring the corners of the globe, and each perspective gave us a better understanding of the world. 

In the vastness of our galaxy, we are all interconnected, bound by shared hopes, dreams, and challenges. As world citizens, we have a responsibility to uphold universal good, to adapt to others’ cultural heritage, and to continue to explore the world. 

Since learning about the deep culture of Peru, I have come to understand about its unique stories, traditions, and perspectives, and by appreciating these nuances, I got to learn a deeper understanding of the world around us.

To learn about another culture that relies heavily on family values and ancestral beliefs it was easy to understand what Peru and its people are really like. Perus cultural set of beliefs and way of life is inherited from their native ancestors, deeply rooted in mythology and bound by the loyalty of family love. I hope by really understanding that aspect of this culture I can portray the true natural and ancient beauty of Peru in my Country Website.

Mandy Morehouse

Animation Enhancement

November 2023

Youtube Video of Anime fight scene (Demon Slayer)


Animation can hold a lot of power when it comes to evoking emotions, building connections, and telling stories in a way nothing else can. Entertaining its audience, animation has the ability to show your thoughts, ideas, and concepts. 
    The animation that has had the most influence on me would have to be Avatar: The Last Airbender. A show that started in 2005 following the journey of a 12 year old boy who is the current Avatar. This show not only had excellent animation but the writing was strong and the stories held my interest. I watched it till the end and continue to watch any spin off related to the series. Avatar: The Last Airbender influenced my interests in art and animation.
    Although, ATLA inspired my animated creative abilities I didn’t really grasp the importance of what animated movies/shows could do. A good example of animation that entertains, evokes emotion, and builds connections is Japanese anime. A lot of my favorite animated shows are anime and I am constantly in awe of some of the top tier animation. Demon Slayer, for example, a show adaptation of a manga is animated by the studio Ufotable. Arguably, one of my favorite animes, this studio uses CGI in places you would never expect. The use of CGI is flawless and even gives it a very realistic feel. These effects and the combination of their animation made me realize how much you can do to create something that could inspire so many people. I hope to get there one day.

Mandy Morehouse

Influencing Productions

October 2023

  Pictures have always influenced the way people think. Photographs give the chance to see into some one’s world and maybe, understand it a little bit better. For example, these pictures (PhotosLinks to an external site.) by Mike Mezeul captures the landscape of Canada, beautifully, giving people the chance to see these places for themselves from Mezeuls lens. Gorgeous, and mesmerizing I think that photoshop was only a step away. Each photo was altered in a way that it shows the potential of these places. Thus, influencing people to step outside their home and take a look at the world and what it offers.
​    For example, a production like Star Wars, ahead of its time and influential to people in the film industry. The aesthetics of science fiction and its films changing for the better. The use of models and practical effects came to a slow end when the Knoll brothers created Photoshop. A retouching program that can improve an image. Star wars paved the path for Sci Fi films to go beyond the technologies that were available. The visual production of this film required the highest quality of visual effects and strived for more, thus advancing technology. To achieve this, the use of CGI was born, gaining access to software that combines the use of technology and the visions of artistic individuals. Influencing people to reach beyond their little bubble and take a look at what the world offers.

Mandy Morehouse

Predictive Concepts

October 2023

 Adams Hyperland and H2G2 are both weird and amusing. Hyperland went over innovative concepts about the technological world. The portrayal of what has become our reality is astonishing. In the film, Adams learns the use of the web that can guide and inform him, essentially something we do in our daily lives in the modern world, the films take on “web-surfing”. Tom, a software agent who helps Adams navigate the digital world could be described as a 1990 fictional AI. Hyperland is fictional insight into what the digital world could have become, shedding light on what we have and the incredible aspects of it.
Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy is a comedic story about a man who just about lost everything and his friend who keeps saying that his world wasn’t all that to begin with. This book is Chaotic and hilarious. Adams, what it feels like, unintentional satire captures the beauty of Sci-fi perfectly. I am not surprised to see small technological predictions in this story so far. The guide itself is described to be “an electronic calculator that had a hundred tiny flat press buttons and a screen on which any one if a million pages could be summoned.” A 1979 description of an e-book if I say so. I find myself entertained by the idea of what more it will bring up. 
Both of Adams works are engaging and has been quite an adventure. It made me think about what humans are capable of and the ever evolving technology. To be able to create and learn in our very hands.

Mandy Morehouse

Progressive Technology

October 2023


  H2G2 is constantly showing its predictive powers, an open floor plan for innovative technology in fictional form. For example, when thinking of the Babel fish in H2G2 I immediately thought of the Ear buds that can help translate other languages for you, advertised to help you communicate to anyone around the world with a device in your ear. Though an incredible break though for language barriers, what are the limits of this technology and where does it stop? The Babel fish in H2G2 allowed the owner to understand the speech of aliens they meet on their travels but it is also, nonchalantly, said that the Babel fish was responsible for more conflicts than any other invention in history. Could the ear buds of our universe become a conflict as well? Possibly. I feel like the barrier is still there. I have not tried this mechanical translation bud but does it play the role for dialect differences? Cultural differences? As a content creator and communicator, finding that gap and filling it would be the right thing to do. 
    The progress of technology can only go up from there. Gordon Moore, who implemented that every two years the number of transistors on microchips will double. Making computers, faster, smaller, and more efficient with time. One would say that we have already met those guidelines but with the new design trends and applications, the drive to understand these innovations is at full speed. To take on these challenges will only feed in to Moores law, progressive and inspiring. 
    The tech field has time and time again proved that it can only gain. The fictional SCI-FI book, Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy, is just a playground of ideas. Written in 1979, based off of the 1978 radio show, the book is beyond its time. H2G2 and its comical satire will always go “beyond your mental-universe”.

Mandy Morehouse